Teaching the next generation how to be a developer and helping a dream come true
York, PA– On May 29, 2018, Business Information Group (BIG) (https://businessinformationgroup.com/) welcomed 8 year old Fiona Myers, and her mother Jen Myers, for an afternoon to learn about application development and answer her questions on how to create a mobile app.
Miss Myers has an idea for a mobile app and wanted to see how to she would be able to develop her app. Mrs. Myers quickly started reaching out to businesses to see how she could support her daughters’ idea. First they visited Reliance Student Transportation, LLC (reliancestudenttransportation.com), where President John Polli, told Miss Myers about how a bus company works and how the bus schedules are made.
After meeting with Mr. Polli, Mrs. Myers reached out to Scott Dolmetsch, CEO of BIG, to find out if Fiona would be able to shadow our Software Development staff to see what application developers do. Mrs. Myers was connected with BIG’s Application Development Manager, Jamie Tyndall, to shadow his team, see software development in action, and find out what they do on a daily basis.
Mr. Tyndall reviewed what an app is, what it takes to develop one, and even let Fiona gain some hands-on experience by writing her own program using the same tools that BIG uses. “Fiona is a remarkable little lady,” said Tyndall. “Her imagination has led to a real-world solution for a big dilemma in her mind. Kids like Fiona are more connected to technology than ever before. Her connection to that technology, and her grasp of it at such a young age, is remarkable. I am going to be watching her career with great interest as this is the first of a number of ideas that she has in mind. Simply fantastic!”
Fiona presented her idea at the Lincolnway Elementary Invention Fair before the end of the school year.