Join our Baltimore area Vista User Group

Looking to stay current on the latest Trimble Vista (fromerly Viewpoint) updates and changes? Want to get more out of your ERP? Join us for an upcoming meeting of the Baltimore Area Vista Users Group.

About the Group

Founded in 2016, the Baltimore VUG is where CFOs, controllers, accounting teams, and system admins gather to grow their understanding of what is possible with Vista. During each lunch meeting participants hear a presentation on the latest Vista updates, followed by a Q&A and roundtable discussion.

Meetings are held at Gray & Son office in Timonium, MD.  Attendees can also join remotely.

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Topics Covered

Here are some of the recent topics covered during the Vista Users Group meetings:

  • Power BI
  • Human Resources
  • Team, Field Management, and Financial Control
  • Year End, Split Year Posting, and Payroll Leave
  • T&M Billing
  • The Life Cycle of a Change Order
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Planning Committee

Meet the committee that helps guide the Baltimore Area Vista Users Group:

  • Mark Johnson, Maryland Paving/Gray & Son
  • Janelle Hons, BIG
  • Ken Jones, Vice President of Consulting Services, BIG
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Interested in Attending a Baltimore Vista Users Group?

Fill out the form to get added to our group email list. There you will get details on upcoming events and can register for free.